Help with Creating a Survey portal for multiple surveys | XM Community
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Hi, I hope someone can offer guidance. We are creating a survey portal in Qualtrics that contains personal links to several modules (that are each their own separate survey) that student must complete. Picture this..

1. A student receives their invitation with the link to their survey portal. They click on the link and there they will see a qualtrics page with 3 modules (separate surveys) that need to be completed. Each link takes them to a survey that is customized with a lot of embedded to capture their student experience.

2. I would like to hide the submit button at the end of the survey portal page so they cannot bypass it. Although they don't have to answer every survey question within each module, they are required to engage in each module (click on each link). I would like to have it so that after the student engages in each module the submit button on the portal appears for them to complete the entire survey experience.

3. Ideally I would like each module to be visible in the portal so the student sees how many they need to complete BUT I would like to force the student to complete the modules in order. Similar to how you see something but those links are grayed out or can't be clicked until they have completed the first module or engaged and submitted the first module (survey). Then when they complete the second module they are able to click on the third module. When the third module is complete then the submit button appears.

Question: In your opinion, is this achievable either using quotas & display logic, webcall, or maybe Target Audience? Or we being too ambitious? Any help or advice is appreciated.
Yes, this is doable however, there are ways to do it. The simplest way which I can think of is to create a single survey with 3 blocks (in your term it will be a module). In each block you can have your respective survey questions

i.e. Block 1 will have all survey 1 questions, Block 2 will have all survey 2 questions and likewise for Block 3

Once, this is setup then in Survey flow, you can use "Table of Content" Element which will help to display each block as a Module.

Below is the support page for "Table of Content":

Initially, we will disable the second and third module (through JavaScript) and when the user click next on the last question of the first module then we will enable "Second" Module and when the user click next on the last question of the second module then we will enable "Third" Module. This will ensure the user have go through each module in sequence order.

And, at the end of "Third" Module, you can chnage the "text" of "Next" button to "Submit" button. This can be done through "JavaScript"'as shown below




/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/




Let us know if you have any query.
Thank you!
And what about if I want each of my blocks to have a different schedule for my students to take?


Block 1 (Once)

Block 2 (Once at the beginning of the day)

Block 3 (Once every two hours)

Block 4 (Once at the end of the day)

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