How to Participate
During the first week of each month, we will post a new question, topic, or activity for you to connect with the community and earn a badge. All community members who contribute a thoughtful comment to this month’s discussion, between January 3 and January 31, will receive this badge worth 40 points.
Badge of the Month | January 2023
Question: What are your professional New Year’s resolutions / goals for 2023?
Here at Qualtrics, we set professional goals for ourselves each quarter, in order to drive success and growth. In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, we want to set work-related goals for 2023 with you. What about that promotion, new job, resume refresh, or desktop clean-up? Maybe, you want to redesign your work-from-home office. Whatever your professional goals for the year are - we can’t wait to learn all about them!