💫 Hidden Talents | Badge of the Month | September 2024 | XM Community
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Hidden Talents | September 2024


During the first week of each month, we will post a new question, topic, or activity for you to connect with the community and earn a badge. All community members who join our team and contribute a thoughtful comment to this month’s discussion, between September 1 and September 30, will receive this badge worth 50 points by the end of the month. 


Task: Share a hobby or passion you enjoy! Whether it’s a sport, an artistic interest, or a side project, we’d love to hear about it. Be sure to comment on each other’s posts to keep the conversation engaging.

I like to cycle on beautiful cycling paths Netherlands have


I am already looking forward to the winter season as skiing is my all-time favorite. ⛷️

I love getting up in the morning, looking out of the window and marveling at the fresh snow. ❄️ Off to the slopes 🚡, a lunch break in the mountain huts for some „Kaiserschmarrn“ 🥞 and après-ski at the end! 🍻 

I have been focusing on fitness and started running back during Covid. I’ve now completed three half marathon’s (one each year) and really enjoy being outside in nature with my beginners running club. I find this really benefits my work day as after running I’m physically tired enough to appreciate sitting in my office chair all day working lol. 

I like to cycle on beautiful cycling paths Netherlands have


Beautiful photo - my family and I would like to take a cycle holiday in Holland at some point. 

Reading Chinese novels, web novels nowadays.

There are times where I got so engrossed in the novel that I forget my meals or cry while reading.

Hi All,


I love taking care of my small balcony garden. I keep starring at them every-day morning. Love propagating them.


@Appzk Nice! I have actually also a roof deck and trying to have it nice each summer. But usually some of mine do not survive the season… 😅 This summer I added some kiwis 🥝 and a banana plant 🍌

Hi Team,

Work keeps me pretty busy these days but I look forward to being back in the skies in the future. Completed over 300 skydives in a few different places around the world, getting to jump from ex-Russian military helicopters was certainly a highlight!

100th Skydive over Faro Portugal
Fun jumping in San Marcos Texas


I haven't started baking cakes yet! 😊 But it's something I'm passionate about and always excited to try. I love experimenting with different flavors, recipes, and decorating techniques.

@craigoliver-walsh I am also scuba DIVING 🦈🐢 but I think sky DIVING is nothing for me… Many respect! 😬

@craigoliver-walsh I am also scuba DIVING 🦈🐢 but I think sky DIVING is nothing for me… Many respect! 😬

Only ever got ot scuba dive a handful of times on my travels, but scuba diving in Scotland is a little chilly!

Wow, so many great hidden talents are listed for this month’s badge!


For me, mine is running.  I started about 10 years ago after never running before in my life.  I started with a couch to 5k plan and completed my first marathon in 2023.  My runs have become a necessity in my life and overall make me a better person.  I did a 10k on Sunday and just got back from a chilly morning run in Western PA.  Enjoying coffee and answering emails😊🏃🏼

Turkey Trot picture from two years ago with my oldest son:


I’m trying to get better at my own hobbies, but much of my time is spent with my 4 and 5-year-old and their current interests!  They both love arts and crafts, so it’s been fun for me to come up with different activities.  We do a ton of painting and exploring other mediums.   My husband and I recently took a pottery class and as I find more time, I would love to do that more!

Reading Chinese novels, web novels nowadays.

There are times where I got so engrossed in the novel that I forget my meals or cry while reading.

That's the power of reading—it transports us and evokes strong emotions. I don’t read as much as I used to, but I'm working on getting back into the habit. Thanks for sharing!

I have too many hobbies! (I have 4 kids so I feel like they keep adding to my list)

My wife and I create custom costumes to attend comic cons along with some of our kiddos (they vary in level of interest in attending). We do a lot of furniture reclamation/wood working as well. I do wood burning (mostly during the holiday months as gifts). My youngest got us into D&D a few months ago so we play weekly as a family. We also play guitar together and I play piano whenever I have the time. My own personal hobbies that are just for me are practicing Jiu Jitsu and painting.

I will go in the same direction as @chackbusch with summer ending soon and skiing season being at our door! Can’t wait for those snowy days and for an annual trip to explore a new location. Visiting Austra this winter for the first time so when not skiing, I’ll be planning this project.

I have enjoyed reading about all these great hobbies! I love reading and always have a book on the go. I like trying crafts like rughooking, mandela dot painting, and am almost finished my first (and last!) braided rug. I enjoy being active and have started playing pickleball and golf this summer; I will be curling in the winter.

I broke my ankle a few years ago and have been on crutches for several months, causing an imbalance in my body.
I tried various exercises and found the one that balances the body the most.
It's a rowing machine, and I'm riding a rowing machine 3km after lunch at the company's gym every day. now It’s my hobby and daily routine.

I want to kayak while enjoying the vast nature of Lucerne, Switzerland someday. 😊

Hey Everyone,

I have various hobbies but one of it which I am quite consistent about since childhood is sketching. I like to draw, sketch and color using pencil colors. I am planning to learn painting in the near future.

Here is my Instagram page - https://www.instagram.com/art_o_holicz/?hl=en. Feel free to check it out and follow as well.

I broke my ankle a few years ago and have been on crutches for several months, causing an imbalance in my body.
I tried various exercises and found the one that balances the body the most.
It's a rowing machine, and I'm riding a rowing machine 3km after lunch at the company's gym every day. now It’s my hobby and daily routine.

I want to kayak while enjoying the vast nature of Lucerne, Switzerland someday. 😊

@SewanYun, hoping for a full recovery soon and I’m glad you’ve been able to find a daily activity that boosts your health. Kayaking in Switzerland sounds incredible!

I love baking, all type but now that fall is hitting it’s all things squash, pumpkin, and spice!

So many interesting Hobbies, I used to love to paint and craft - but time and more importantly space for that is pretty limited these days… so does dining out with friends count as a Hobby, as that is usually what I get up to when I am not working these days 😁.

Solo Bike riding is my one true passion and I’m always looking for an excuse to go for a solo ride. Whether it's a free weekend, the refreshing monsoon rains or the warmth of summer, each season gives me a reason to hop on my bike and explore. Sometimes, I ride simply because I don’t have a reason🤣.

My dream is to travel the world on two wheels. But for now, I'm focusing on covering all of India. I've explored the entire southern region and now I'm excited to venture into the northern part of the country. Below pics are from my last week ride 😊.


As a mom of 3, I don’t have much free time to work in my hobbies/passions, however, when I do get a chance, I love a good book, yoga, organizing something, or going for a bike ride (quiet activities alone are my jam!). That said, when I saw the title was “Hidden Talents”, I couldn’t help but think of one thing I do that always amazes my kids - that I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. 🙃 Not sure if that’s really what you’d call a “talent”, but it’s mine!

I have several hobbies (reading, sketching, photography, hiking), although I’m not sure I can claim to be really “talented” at them! :)

One of the most recent I’ve picked up is Sudoku. I’ve always liked mind puzzles but had never tried Sudoku till last summer, when my sons started doing some.