💙 Qualtrics Love | Badge of the Month | February 2022 | XM Community
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Badge of the Month, February 2022How To Participate

During the first week of each month, we will post a new question, topic, or activity for you to connect with the community and earn a badge. All community members who contribute a thoughtful comment to this month’s discussion, between February 1  and February 28,  will receive this badge worth 10 points.

Badge Of The Month | February 2022

Question: What do you love most about Qualtrics and / or the XM Community? Alternatively, what do you love about Qualtrics products?
This February, we want to know all about your love for the XM Community and Qualtrics. What do you love most about this company, it's products, and this community? Got a favorite product? Super into Qualtrics' culture? Or, just love being a part of a community? Share your thoughts to help us spread the love this month!

I'm a huge fan of Qualtrics' CX Dashboards products and the XM Community! I really love the community and that I get to help build this incredibly special place with you all 💙

I really like the flexibility of the XM platform overall as well as the analysis options from the very robust (StatsIQ, TextIQ, crosstabs), to very easily digested (Reports, dashboards), to the very easy (quick summaries via Results). And of course, this Community is really helpful!

What I love is the XM Community is a real community. Providing a place for customers who are enthusiastic about a product is a major asset for adoption and success for other customers. Within just the two months that I've participated with XM Pros and now the XM Institute learning, it's helped to boost my personal engagement at work!
Grateful for you all and excited to continue learning.

I really like the XM platform. It has been fairly easy to learn, and just as I think I'm now a lot, a whole new area of uncharted territory opens up. So it seems the possibilities are pretty endless with the tool. So that is great.
There are some areas that could still need improving, but I like the fact that there is a separate section for ideas and recommendations for new features on this Community. Also that the Admins on here are very responsive is a double thumbs up in my book!

What I love most about Qualtrics is that it provides data-driven actionable insights through the interactive reports, especially with the text analytics capabilities. Qualtrics saves me hours of manually going through raw data by automatically providing interactive features in dashboards that easily help guide me to valuable insights.

I like how it is easy to learn to be able to build projects in Qualtrics with simple UI design. I am a big fan of data-analysis tab making it easier to solve queries, find accurate data and view response is the best feature of data analysis!!
Though I'm still learning to build Dashboards & Reports, I find it interesting for helping to better visualise data.
I'd like to add that there are many of us helping each other for solving queries everyday and making Qualtrics a better place to work on. A big shout out to us!

I love the flexibility of the survey platform, with all its possibilities to customize it through JavaScript. And I love the active community that always helps out when you need help customizing Qualtrics.

I really appreciate the professional quality of the survey building tools on the platform. It helps us present a polished front to our customers. I'm also becoming increasingly impressed with the data analysis tools at our disposal in the CX platform, which have really come a long way in the past year.

I'm new to the XM community and we're working with Qualtrics to connect PeX and eX. We have a 'proof of concept' project in March.

Although I've known about Qualtrics for some time as a vendor it was not till I caught the CX bug myself that I started familiarizing myself more deeply with the different CX solution providers and got drawn to Qualtrics for 3 key reasons: 
1. to begin with this community! Just 💙 love the idea of engaging with likeminded folks across the globe and its untapped potential  
2. that it so succinctly links EX with CX in addition to the complementary axis of product and brand experiences. The linkages resonate deeply with the work I do and feel they strengthen my professional compass 🌐
3. and the different certifications available 🎖️️. As a strong believer in life long learning I've started the XM Fundamentals course and really look forward to sharing my achievement on social media.

Qualtrics to me is a bit like an iceberg. I know - and see - a chunk of what's on the surface. What I love is that there's a huge amount of potential hidden beneath the surface and I enjoy exploring it day by day and learning how to leverage the platform in new and exciting ways.

LOVE how easy the platform is to navigate around.
LOVE the help and support!
LOVE all the possibilities.

I love the ability to learn from my fellow experience professionals in the XM community. They all bring a uniqueness that helps me understand experiences from many lenses.

I love the ability to interact and connect on relevant topics around customer experience, product management, data visualization, and insight generation that are becoming ever more important for Federal agencies. Thanks for being such a great community!

What I love about Qualtrics is that it's so versatile--if I want to do something a certain way, it can almost certainly be done. And if I can't figure it out myself, there's a huge community of users that I can turn to for help! Finally, if it can't be done, they give me a venue to make the suggestion. As a company, Qualtrics is always looking for ways to improve and help us improve. What more could you ask for really?

As a Qubie I appreciate the high quality of the survey building tools on the platform.
What I really love is the responsiveness of the Qualtrics support. Very fast and competent support 👍

What I like about Qualtrics, setting up a survey in particular, is the fact that the tool offers you nice and user-friendly options to build your survey.
The choice of questions with "template" answers is helping a lot when you are a newbie. There are furthermore always "hidden" nice features that you discover when setting up the survey.

I love how survey creation can be so simple and user friendly, but there's also options for more advanced inclusions if you've got the time and know-how to play around with it. And the Community is always a good source of advice on how to really get the most out of it!
I've recently had to introduce colleagues to survey building and reporting in Qualtrics and so many features are straightforward, point-and-click options that they're feeling confident in no time.

I love how easy the dashboards are to navigate and how easy it is to understand information at a quick glance!
Especially love the ticketing aspect of Qualtrics! Such an easy and convenient way to share information throughout our organization!

I love how innovative you can be with Qualtrics. As others at work start using the system, they are always amazed at what all you can do with the surveys, triggers, work flows, and dashboards. I always tell people that what you can do in Qualtrics is only limited by what you can imagine doing.
Dashboards are just amazing and it excites me that we are entering year 3 with some of our data.

I love the community which I have meet at the X4/Summit conferences back when we had them. I actually found some Midwesterners at my first conference which we ran into the next year.

I love the support that Qualtrics offers both in the community and the outstanding tech support.

What I love most about the xm community is finding out about the Higher Education group. I've been a longtime lurker and post reader to get help or gain insight and somehow never noticed that group existed!

As a partner I love working with Qualtrics in my everyday, because I am always learning and helping other companies with their XM Programs. What I most value about Qualtrics is the community and the XM Institute information, the community its a great place where you feel that you really know the people that you interact with and the community always is doing new and great things; the XM Institue is also really helping :)

As much as I love working with the Qualtrics platform, what is really fun is all you can achieve with what's not natively in the platform. The degree of customization that can be achieved with surveys, workflows, APIs, custom CSS and JS opens up a large field of possibilities. I hope Qualtrics will continue to expand that part of the product!

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