👻 Spooky Season | Badge of the Month | October 2024 | XM Community
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During the first week of each month, we will post a new question, topic, or activity for you to connect with the community and earn a badge. All community members who join our team and contribute a thoughtful comment to this month’s discussion, between October 1 and October 31, will receive this badge worth 50 points by the end of the month. 


Task: Answer any of these questions:

  1. Frightening Favorites: What spooky film, TV show, book, or podcast has terrified you the most? Why?

  2. Spooky Season Traditions: What activities do you enjoy during spooky season? 

Comment on other posts to keep the conversation lively!


One of the most terrifying books I’ve read is “The Haunting of Hill House” by Shirley Jackson. Its blend of supernatural horror and psychological tension creates an unsettling atmosphere that lingers long after finishing. The ambiguous nature of the haunting, combined with the characters’ fragile mental states, makes it deeply disturbing and thought-provoking. It’s a story that plays on fear of the unknown and the mind’s fragility.

During the spooky season, I particularly enjoy watching horror films with friends.

Some of my favorite Halloween memories were in college when I would host pumpkin carving parties. Everyone would bring a pumpkin, carving tools, food/drinks and dress up however they wanted. Could be a costume or just a black shirt and a blinky pumpkin headband - anything goes. It was quite the mess, but so much fun! Now that I live in AZ, I paint pumpkins with my kids because they spoil if you carve them more than 2 days prior to Halloween! So crazy!

As for movies, the ones that I react to the most aren’t the intentionally scary ones. It’s movies like Fall where you’re just holding your breath the whole time that get me!



The most terrifying web series for me would be “The Haunting of Hill House”. The way it explores grief, trauma and guilt while weaving in supernatural elements created a deeply immersive and haunting experience.

When I was a kid, a sitcom used to come “Zee Horror Show” and being a child hearing the title song only would made me scared.

As a grown up, scariest movies I have seen is  Grudge, The Ring and IT.



My favorite activity during this spooky season is baking fall themed treats and handing out candy to trick-or-treaters (i love seeing all their costumes and smiling faces!) My boyfriend and I also enjoy watching scary movies together, but I cant handle too scary!! ahahha

The movie Silence of the Lambs, i could not sleep for a couple off days, because i was 12 when i watch it for the first time. 

Tv Series was Jessica Jones - I know this sounds silly but the idea of someone being able to make me do anything they wanted with out any force is terrifying to me. For movies the first one in my life that really scared me was Pet Cemetary (the original). I remember his Achilles tendon being sliced 🤢 a more current movie is Saw. Realistic physical harm is to me the worst.


Traditions we have are to participate in a Trunk or Treat, to make chili, and watch Halloween cooking shows.

There is an episode of Criminal Minds that terrified me so much it made me stop watching the series for a good three years before I picked it back up again.  (For any fans of the show, it is the arc involving the character Frank Breitkopf.  His modus operandi is horrifying and makes me shudder.)


On a more fun note, I enjoy our family tradition of going to the “Headless Horseman” festival at our local living history museum.  It is a fun fall festival, with the highlight being a hayride through the property’s woods where you are chased by the headless horseman himself!

Yesterday, I watched my friend play a game called ‘A Quiet Place’, based on the movie where the world is invaded by monsters that hunt through sound. In the game, players must remain completely silent, play hide and seek with the monster just like in the movie. What makes the game even more intense is its microphone feature, which captures any sound you make in real life, making you feel like you're truly in that world. Playing in complete silence was one of the most terrifying experiences I've ever had—every little noise felt like it could be your last!

I am decidedly NOT a fan of scary movies or books, so I don’t know that I have a favorite among them.


I live in the Orlando area, so Halloween season pretty much starts the first week of August, when the theme parks start doing their Halloween parties. Having grown up in Michigan, I tend to associate “Halloween” with “Cooler (or even cold) weather”, and despite having lived here for 20 years, I still can’t reconcile 80+ degree weather. I do like going trick or treating with my kids, and seeing their excitement.

The movie Silence of the Lambs, i could not sleep for a couple off days, because i was 12 when i watch it for the first time. 

I completely understand the fear of watching a horror movie at such a young age! When I was around 10, I watched Chucky for the first time, and worst of all, the little girl next door had a Chucky doll that she would play with. 😳 It traumatized me for many years!

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