A/B Testing Survey Invite Using Inline Functionality | XM Community
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I'm trying to A/B test ways to increase the response rate to my survey by using an inline question in my email invite. My survey is distributed by a 3rd party CRM tool and not through qualtrics distribution method.

What I've done is generated an invite using the anonymous survey link via the distribution tab in qualtrics.

Then used the HTML from the invite to adapt for use in my 3rd party tool.

I've tested the email and the HTML is working as it should, but the response from the inline question is not recorded if the respondent does not go through and complete the survey. My goal in this exercise is to have flexibility - so if the respondent chooses to complete the survey, that's great. However, i still want to record their response if they only click into the email and choose NOT to complete the survey.

I've found other posts where qualtrics users used javascript to automatically advance to the next question and record a response from an inline question, but this scenario would not be ideal for a respondent who chooses to take the survey or does not come from an invite with the inline question.

The result when i applied javascript to the question and took the survey was that when i was on the question in the survey from the inline question, it tried to advance without a response in the question, which would likely confuse the respondent and lead to a less than stellar survey experience. So using javascript worked for the inline question scenario and not the normal survey experience scenario.

Since I'm AB testing, i'll need to have a solution that fits both scenarios.

Can anyone think of a solution that could fit in this case? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks.
Hi @LKing!

It looks like you may be asking about custom programming/code. We actually have a Developer Corner in the community that is reserved for these types of questions. I have moved your question into this section instead so coders and programmers are more likely to answer your question.

P.S. They might assume that you already have a basic knowledge of programming and how to integrate it into Qualtrics. If you do not, we recommend checking out W3Schools and our pages on Adding Custom CSS and Adding JavaScript to get a basic understanding!
@LKing You may not need any code for this at all. You could just set the survey options to record responses in progress after however long you'd like (seems like 24 hours may be perfect for this). After they click in, their response will be a partial response for that amount of time, after that amount of time has passed it will be automatically recorded with just their selected answer for the first question.
Thank you Jenah, I appreciate the help.
Thank you @AnthonyR , I really appreciate your response. Before I posted, I tested this out and from what I could tell the response was not recorded. I went into the responses in progress to check, closed them, and viewed the recorded response. As far as I could tell, the response was not captured, but I'll take another look. Thanks again!
> @LKing said:

> Thank you @AnthonyR , I really appreciate your response. Before I posted, I tested this out and from what I could tell the response was not recorded. I went into the responses in progress to check, closed them, and viewed the recorded response. As far as I could tell, the response was not captured, but I'll take another look. Thanks again!

If it isn't recording properly then it is definitely worth reaching out to support, that is the intended functionality!

The following code will only click the Next Button if the question has already been answered:


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {

if(jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" input:checked").length > 0) this.clickNextButton();


Thanks @AnthonyR - I reached out to support and they referred me here. I guess they weren't able to help b/c I specified I was using the inline functionality outside of qualtrics... Anyhow, really appreciate your willingness to help out.
@TomG - Thank you very much sir! Your code worked perfectly. You truly are deserving of your Wizard title. +10 points to Gryffindor.

You have made my day. :)

Thanks again!

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