Accessing the values selected in a matrix question in a later question | XM Community
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Accessing the values selected in a matrix question in a later question

  • 22 June 2024
  • 4 replies

I have a matrix question (QID288) - there are 5 rows (A,B,C,D,E) and 6 columns (1,2,3,4,5,-) - it is a radio button matrix so that each of the lettered rows can only have one column selected.

In a later question I was to access the selections that were made in the earlier matrix question.

As far as I can see I can’t used pipetext.  From that I can see which lettered row had a selection made… but not which selection was made… 

matrixTablex = "${q://QID288/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}";

So that does not help… unless I am missing something.


The other option seems to be to us a jquery.

Something like

radioButton = jQuery(#QID288~1~1);

to access A1.  But I cannot work out what the attributes would be that I should be… one suggestion seems to be“:checked”); 

but I don’t get any results when I try that.

I assume that the solution must be really simple.

Maybe my javascript code is in the wring place… should it be in the addOnReady function?

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

You can pipe the selected recodes (1-6) for each lettered row (A-E) (e.g., ${q://QID288/SelectedAnswerRecode/1} for row A).

Badge +2

Thanks Tom!!!
That is totally awesome, exactly what I wanted, and much easier than I had feared.
I presume that somewhere there is a list of attributes/functions that can be appended to a ${q://QIDxx/...} pipe… I could not find it.  Again, I’m sure that it must be somewhere obvious.
Thanks again.

Badge +2

I tried to mark Tom’s as the best answer… but I think my screen updates as I clicked and I somehow marked my reply to the answer as the best answer, and can’t see how unmark it… so just in case anyone else is looking I’ll his reponse in again - it was so useful to me!.

“You can pipe the selected recodes (1-6) for each lettered row (A-E) (e.g., ${q://QID288/SelectedAnswerRecode/1} for row A).”

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

I tried to mark Tom’s as the best answer… but I think my screen updates as I clicked and I somehow marked my reply to the answer as the best answer, and can’t see how unmark it… so just in case anyone else is looking I’ll his reponse in again - it was so useful to me!.

“You can pipe the selected recodes (1-6) for each lettered row (A-E) (e.g., ${q://QID288/SelectedAnswerRecode/1} for row A).”

I went ahead and marked his reply as the best answer!

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