Add an illustrative example in matrix table | XM Community
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I would like to add a row into a matrx table  (statement) that provides an illustrative example of  how the question might be answered. I found a very similar question here: 

However, some time has passed, and I wonder if there is another way to do it besides adding a screenshot?

I am quite new to Qualtrics, so hope I didn’t miss something very evident.


Thank you very much!


What the original poster asked for was to be able to disable the first row after specifying a default choice. You can do that like this (if you aren’t using simple layout):

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tr.ChoiceRow:first ttype=radio]").prop("disabled",true);


Thanks a lot @TomG !

However, I am not sure if I did it correctly. The respondent can still in theory overwrite the example in the first row, and when doing a “carry forward” of the statements to another question, the example (as a default choice in the first row) appears in the follow up question. I am not sure whether I am explaining myself, or maybe this is well beyond my abilities haha 

Thank you!


can you provide illustrations of what is required?

Thanks a lot @TomG !

However, I am not sure if I did it correctly. The respondent can still in theory overwrite the example in the first row, and when doing a “carry forward” of the statements to another question, the example (as a default choice in the first row) appears in the follow up question. I am not sure whether I am explaining myself, or maybe this is well beyond my abilities haha 

Thank you!

If the radio buttons in the first row aren’t disabled, my guess is you are using simple layout.

If you need carry forward, you should probably create a separate matrix question for the example.

Thanks a lot for yor help, and apologies for my late reply. Here is an illustration of what I would like to accomplish (I am not sure if it is possible). Thanks again!



Try including below code in JavaScript section

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
jQuery('td.c1').append('<div><i>Example:</i> Winter Wheat</div>');
jQuery('th.c4').append('<div><i>Example:</i> 25 </div>').css('padding', '0px');

Hope it helps!

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