Add label under scale in multiple choice question | XM Community
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Hello, I am working on horizontal multiple questions and i would like to display the labels under the actual scale (from 1 to 5), as you can see in the example: 


I’ve copied/pasted the JavaScript this Survey have but in my survey it doesn’t work. Here below you can find the JavaScript used: 


    /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/


    let idiomas1 = {
    "ES-ES": "Muy mala",
    "CA": "Molt dolenta",
    "EN": "Very bad",
     "EU":"Oso txarra",
     "GL":"Moi mala",
    let valor_idiomas1 = idiomas1>"${e://Field/Q_Language}"];                  
    let idiomas5 = {
    "ES-ES": "Muy buena",
    "CA": "Molt bona",
    "EN": "Very good",
     "EU":"Oso ona",
     "GL":"Moi boa",
    let valor_idiomas5 = idiomas5"${e://Field/Q_Language}"];
    /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/
    const tempDiv = document.createElement('div'); += 'margin-top:8px;margin-left:8px;font-family:"Roboto";font-weight:"400"';
tempDiv.innerHTML += valor_idiomas1;
document.getElementById("QID50-31-label").insertAdjacentElement('afterend',tempDiv )

const tempDiv2 = document.createElement('div'); += 'margin-top:8px;margin-right:8px;font-family:"Roboto";font-weight:"400"';
tempDiv2.innerHTML += valor_idiomas5;
document.getElementById("QID50-34-label").insertAdjacentElement('afterend',tempDiv2 );

    /*Día de la semana*/
        const weekday = Array('7. Domingo', '1. Lunes', '2. Martes', '3. Miércoles', '4. Jueves', '5. Viernes', '6. Sábado');
    // Create date from input string. Month is 0-based, that's why we need dataPartsr1] - 1
    let dateString = "${e://Field/fecha}"; // dd/mm/yyyy
    let dateParts = dateString.split("/");
    let dateObject = new Date(dateParts 2], dateParts1] - 1, dateParts 0]); //"yyyy","mm","dd"     // Get the position of the day in the week, 0 = sunday
    let nameDay = weekdayjdateObject.getDay()];     
    Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData( 'Dia de la semana', nameDay);

    var that = this;
    Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('LastQuestionIdViewed', that.questionId);
    that.questionclick = function(event,element){
        Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('LastQuestionIdClicked', that.questionId);




Can you please help me in order to have the same formatting question? 




You need to update the id’s in this code.

Lines starting with “document.getElementById” you have to update the id’s accordingly.

You can inspect the element and find the id’s.

Hope it helps!


Thank you so much, it worked! 

I’ve another question: is it possible to modify the size of the font only in the mobile phone version? 


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