Adding a second line to the elements of a matrix table without centering | XM Community
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Hello everybody,
I have a matrix table with 11 statements and 2 scale points such that the participants have to choose eleven times between Option A and Option B. I recommend them Option B for the first ten choices and Option A for the last one. I would like to mark this recommendation by adding a '↓ recommended ↓' or '↑ recommended ↑' at the respective position in the matrix table. The result should look like the following (without underscores):
_________________________↓ recommended ↓
↓ recommended ↓_____↑ recommended ↑
↑ recommended ↑
The problem now is that I don't really know how to add those recommendation labels. If I add them to the field of an option (A or 😎 by making it a two-line element, it shifts 'A' or 'B' such that it is not in the same line like the corresponding button anymore. Additionally, I face the problem that the eleventh choice shouldn't be too separated from the other ten choices. I am not restricted to any font size of the recommendation labels (as long as they are readable).
Do you know a solution to this problem?
Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!

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