Adding border to a single question on Qualtrics survey | XM Community
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I am trying to add a black border to a single question on Qualtrics Survey. I tried to add the following code to HTML view option on the question editor dialog, but did not work,

div.Inner.BorderColor {border: solid #ededed;}


I also tried div#QID223.QuestionOuter.BorderColor.MC.QID223 and jQuery(.class).css('border','1px') but did not work. QID223 is the question I want to add the border to. 


Can someone help me with this? Thank you very much in advance

Use below code in the OnReady JS function of the question:

jQuery("#"+this.questionId).css("border","2px solid black");




Thank you for your help! Do you mean like this? I tried, but did not work, so I want to double check.

Javascript screenshot



I believe you are using Simple Layout, try the below code

document.querySelector('.question').style.border = "2px solid black";


@Deepak Thank you SO MUCH! It worked!

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