Adding the possibility of multiple "other - please specify" responses to a single survey question | XM Community
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I was hoping to get some advice about how to create multiple "other - please specify" text boxes in a survey I’m building. I searched in Qualtrics and here in the community but could not find any specific tips. For context, the survey question is the following:

Which of the following vertebrate animals have you used for your own research during the past 5 years? (choose all that apply)



Other rodents




Cattle, sheep, and/or other livestock other than pigs

Ferrets or other weasels

Non-human primates

Opossum and/or other marsupials





Other – please specify one animal per box

What I tried to do was use display logic to add a new “other” with a text box to appear if the first (visible) “other” was checked. (In fact, I added 5 “other” fields this way.) However, it wouldn’t actually work the way I intended because the new “other” options wouldn’t appear, and it generated a warning in the survey. The reason I want to have multiple text boxes is that the responses get piped to later questions. I hope this makes sense!

Thanks for any help you can provide!
Curious as I have an active survey (which has been running monthly for the last year) which does have multiple open end text boxes in the multiple response question. And it does show in the survey and I have answers for all of them. See 1st image for survey and 2nd image (bottom row) for dashboard results.

I would suggest setting something up uniquely and not trying to tie it to the first box unless you want to add multiple questions.



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