Adjusting size of study on PC to be similar to size of mobile phone | XM Community
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I have created a study that 50% of participants will complete on their computer and the remaining 50% will fill out on their phone.

Now, I wanted to ask for help with how to use Custom CSS to ensure that the survey displayed on the computer screen appears in roughly the same size as an average smartphone screen. In other words, I want to limit the size of the survey on the PC screen to match the dimensions of an average smartphone display (while leaving the survey on the smartphone unchanged). I have tried using and adapting code from prior threads but could not get the desired result.

Thank you so much!

Try using below css in look and feel → Style → custom CSS

@media (min-width:770px){
.Skin .SkinInner {


Try using below css in look and feel → Style → custom CSS

@media (min-width:770px){
.Skin .SkinInner {


Thank you!

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