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I am doing a research looking at the time it takes to a person to skip an advertisement.

There are two things that are important to me:

1. Finding how much time was spent on watching the video (a video I created).

2. Adding a "Skip Button" that will appear at the 5th second of the video.

I'd really appreciate your answer and guidance.

I hope I was managed to be clear regarding my need.

Thanks in advance,


Make the advertisement the only question on the page, then:

1. Set the video to auto play

2. Add a timing question to the page to record how long the respondent spends on the page

3. Change the Next button text to "Skip" using this JS:

4. Add JS to hide the Next Button, then show it after 5 seconds.
Hi Tom

Thank you very much for the prompt reply.

I read at the FAQ about autoplay videos, and first, didn't really understand how to apply it on a video that is not URL. In addition, I found that autoplay function might be a problem in some cases like on mobile devices. Is that true? If so, is there any other way?

Thanks again.

I really appreciate your help.

All the very best,

> @Ran said:

> I read at the FAQ about autoplay videos, and first, didn't really understand how to apply it on a video that is not URL. In addition, I found that autoplay function might be a problem in some cases like on mobile devices. Is that true? If so, is there any other way?

What do you mean by "not URL?" Where is the video hosted, what format is it, and what are you using to play it?
Hi Tom

Please accept my apology if I'm not using the correct terminology.

By saying "Not URL"I mean that the video is not a youtube link but a video I uploaded.

When clicking on "<>" icon in the reach content editor I get this:

<video class="qmedia" controls="true" height="300" preload="auto" width="550"><source src="" type="video/mp4"><embed align="middle" autoplay="true" bgcolor="white" class="qmedia" controller="true" height="300" pluginspage="" src="" type="video/quicktime" width="550"></video>

So from what I understand it's mp4 played with QuickTime.

Please advise.

Thanks again,

Didn't realize that it will actually upload the video =)

Attached a screenshot!

Thanks again

Since it is an mp4, you don't need Quicktime. Just the html5 video tag will do. Autoplay is supported on iOS 10+ (Apple) and Chrome 53+ (Android). Just add it to your video tag.


<video class="qmedia" width="550" height="300" preload="auto" controls autoplay>

<source src="your url" type="video/mp4">

Your browser does not support the video tag.



If you are concerned about older mobile browsers, you could turn off autoplay and use JavaScript to add your own timer and delay display of the skip button based on when the respondent started to play the video. It is just more complex.
Hi Tom

Thank you very much for your patients and informative answers.

Following your instructions, I did manage to get the video autoplay, but unfortunately, it does not work on iPhones (didn't try it on Android yet). Any thoughts?

In addition, regarding the complexed javascript you mentioned, are you familiar with any instructions for dummies so I could try to add it? =)

Thanks again,

One more thing.

I read that according to the New <video> Policies for iOS, videos would not autoplay unless they're muted. When adding "muted" to the editor, I am able to play the video, but since the audio is critical to my research I'll have to find another way to make it work, and I think that adding a customized skip button that will be based on when the respondent started to play the video is my only solution.
Hi Tom

Any suggestions?


> @Ran said:

> Hi Tom

> Any suggestions?

> Thanks,

> Ran

It looks like your prior message ("One more thing") got cut off, so I don't know what you are asking about.
Thank you

What I wrote is that according to the new <vidoe> Policies for IOS, a video wouldn't autoplay unless it is muted. I can confirm that once I added "mute" in the line, it worked just fine, but muted =/

Since the sound is a crucial dimension in my research, I'm afraid that the complexed javascript you mentioned earlier is my only solution, unless you can think of any other way.

I'd appreciate if you could refer me to some kind of manual about it or guide me through the process if possible.

Thanks again,

As a first step, you can try using a JS setTimeout to unmute a few milliseconds (e.g., 100) after the video starts.

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