Align the question container on the right side of the screen. | XM Community
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Hello Dear Qualtrics community,

I've been trying to fix the whole content of the survey (question container) on the right side of the screen for several hours now.

It should be extremely easy but I think I'm on the edge of my seat. Can you help me?

I am new to Qualtrics. Please forgive me if I haven't understood some obvious things yet.
EDIT: Solved It. Sorry! It worked without a logo.


Give this CSS a shot.
.Skin .SkinInner {
margin: 0 0 0 auto;
In case the default styles are winning the cascade battle, you can either append !important
.Skin .SkinInner {
margin: 0 0 0 auto !important;
or use a heavier base selector:
.Skin #Wrapper .SkinInner {
margin: 0 0 0 auto;

Thanks alot. That worked even with an Logo implemented! 🙂
I implemented this:
.Skin .SkinInner {
margin: 0 0 0 auto !important;

Hello there, how can I modify this current code so the left margin is decreased. I want the question box to start from left rather than centre. Thank you.

Change the margin to

margin-left: 0 !important;

AhmedA! Thanks for your great help!! 🙂 I have another Q, what if I want to make the display margin wider? it is now showing things from left but the text/survey box is narrower than what I need. ...! Thanks for your great help!! 🙂 I have another Q, what if I want to make the display margin wider? it is now showing things from left but the text/survey box is narrower than what I need. ...
How can I decrease the left margine
.Skin .SkinInner {
  margin-left: 0 !important;
   margin-right: 0 0 0 !auto;

Go through this article. It explains the box model, it should provide you with answers to most sizing and positioning related questions.

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