Anchors across page breaks | XM Community
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I am trying to create a wiki-like environment where people taking the survey can link back and forth between various informational statements before answering questions. I can successfully do this with HTML anchors when all questions and information are on one long page without a page break, but as soon as I ask for each thing to be its own page, it doesn't work (understandably).

How can I link to other pages in the survey then?

The only way to navigate to other pages in the survey is to use a table of contents:

I don't think a table of contents is a good choice for what you want to do. Maybe you could use tooltips where the contents are piped from other questions in the survey.
Would I be able to track with the metrics when they called on that pipe? That might work if I could...
> @isle13 said:

> Would I be able to track with the metrics when they called on that pipe? That might work if I could...

Not that easily. If you used a script to do tooltips you could have it keep a counter of the number of times it was hovered over or clicked in an embedded variable.

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