Anyone have javascript or CSS that can hide the "Question Separator"? | XM Community
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Hello all,
I use a template set up by my org for most of my hundreds of forms and surveys, and until recently, I was able to control the appearance of the "Question Separator" in the old "Look & Feel" editor. As of this week, that feature is no longer working in the old editor, and while working on two surveys using the same template today, one now has the separator (despite it being unchecked in the options in the old Look & Feel editor) and the other does not. Qualtrics support was not able to resolve the issue and just suggested that the template must have the option turned on by default. Before I ask my org manager to create a new copy of the template with the separator turned off for me, I thought I'd see if anyone knows a way around using javascript or CSS. Thanks for any advice!
Brian for your help, Ahmed. Warning, I am not a coder/programmer. I tried this in the Custom CSS and External CSS in the Style section of the new Look & Feel editor, but it did not have any effect. I tried in the old Look & Feel editor as well, but the result was the same. Do you have any further suggestions?

Paste this into your question HTML or the header/footer. It should hide the Separators.
I actually don't know what a separator looks like, because even though they show up in the HTML, I can't see them. If you share a link to the survey, I'll be able to help you better.

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