Associating answers with keyboard keys | XM Community
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In my current survey, I have two choices that are chosen by them being clicked on. I would like to associate each choice with a different keyboard key. I contacted Qualtrics' support team and was told that this can be done only by using JavaScript. Would anyone be able to help me how to do so? I have only two possible answers, and would like to associate the first one with the left arrow keyboard key and the second one with the right arrow keyboard key.
I have the exact same question and difficulty!

May anyone help us with this JavaScript situation?
Here is a solution that also allows you to use Enter to submit the page:

Here is a solution that automatically submits the page when you choose left or right:

Most browsers only hear `onkeydown` and `onkeypress` events for the arrow keys, so keep that in mind if doing this in the future:

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