audio of previous trial briefly overlapping with next trial | XM Community
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I am running a study in which I am presenting participants with auditory words. In my task, they hear a word play, then there is a brief pause before a fixation cross appears, during which they say the word out loud (the audio is collected using a different platform, not qualtrics).

I'm currently having an issue where when I go to the next trial, in addition to the new word, qualtrics appears to be playing the first few seconds of audio from the preceding trial. I have piloted this both using preview and publishing the study, and the issue persists regardless.

Is this an issue with the autoplay function I currently have set up in javascript? The code is as follows:


I have tried adding: preload="true" to the beginning of the code just after autostart, but it didn't help.

I also tried adding blank blocks on either side of each trial to act as a buffer, also didn't work.

I'm not sure if it helps, but I do have some additional code in the block which may be contributing to the issue. Mainly, I have the next button hidden for 7 seconds (using a timing question) and I have some JS code that delays the fixation cross from appearing (below):



  var delayTime = 2500 //This is the time of delay
  var that = this;
  setTimeout(function(){that.getQuestionContainer().show()}, delayTime);  


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