Auto Answer multiple choice question | XM Community
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I am looking to auto select an answer to a multiple choice question, this will influence questions displayed later on in the survey. I was thinking of doing this through embedded data from a contact list panel. 

This is for a survey that will be sent early in the year, then re-distributed using the retake survey link option later on in the year, where the respondent will check to see if any of their answers are the same and answer some new questions. 

I want to avoid sending out a new survey for data analysis purposes. 

I think this should be possible, but I am unsure how to do this/the best way to do this. 


If the embedded data fields in your contact list are recodes (or comma+space separated recodes for multi-selects), you can use this JS:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
var qobj = this;
var recodes = "${e://Field/Fieldname}".split(", ");
jQuery.each(recodes, function(i, val) { qobj.setChoiceValueByRecodeValue(val,true); });


Thank you for this. I was testing a different approach whereby, we are using a form field questions using embedded data to pre-populate the answers in this question instead of a multiple choice question. 

We would still like to send a re-take link later in the year, we want to trigger some different questions in the same survey later in the year. We would like one response in the form field question to change using embedded data from a new contact panel we upload (with the retake survey link). However as the survey is a retake the answer to the questions remains the same as the first instance. 

Is there a way around this? 

Thank you for this. I was testing a different approach whereby, we are using a form field questions using embedded data to pre-populate the answers in this question instead of a multiple choice question. 

We would still like to send a re-take link later in the year, we want to trigger some different questions in the same survey later in the year. We would like one response in the form field question to change using embedded data from a new contact panel we upload (with the retake survey link). However as the survey is a retake the answer to the questions remains the same as the first instance. 

Is there a way around this? 

Yes, you can write JavaScript to replace the previous answer with the field from the contact list.

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