Auto-filling / blanking out response options in side-by-side question pending previous column answer | XM Community
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I've got a side-by-side question with 10 statements as shown:
Q7 1.JPGFor ease of discussion, I've changed the second column to single answer (rather than dropdown) so you can see what I'm referring to:
Q7 1-.JPGPreviously, I've asked how I can use javascript to hide subsequent segments unless "No" is selected for column 3 "Did you arrive at work?" in the previous statement (in this case, Segment 1) and received some great help from ahmedA (
That javascript is pasted below.
In addition to that, I'd love to be able to be able to have the question automatically select "Yes" for column 3 "Did you arrive at work?" if someone selects "Travel directly to work" in column 2, or potentially blank out the option to select "No" in column 3.
How can I tweak the javascript previously provided (below) to achieve this please?
Thanks so much!

      quest = this;
   let qc = quest.questionContainer;
   let all_rows = qc.querySelectorAll(".Choice");
   for (let i = 1; i < all_rows.length; i++) {
   let no_id =
      "." + qc.querySelectorAll(".q-radio")+1].parentElement.className.match(/c\\d+/gm).join();
   no_id = Number(
         .querySelector(no_id + ":not(th)")
   quest.questionclick = function (ev, el) {
      if (el.className) {
         let row = Number("~")<2]);
         let choice = Number("~")3]);
         if (choice == no_id && row < all_rows.length) {
         } else if (choice == no_id && row == all_rows.length) {
            alert("That's a complex journey! Please use the text box on the next page to record any additional segments you made and/or comment on this particular journey.");
   };/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/
   /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/
   /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is unloaded*/

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