Auto pick date on Qualtrics Calendar | XM Community
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Hello again everybody,

I have another question regarding dates. My last post was correctly answered here.

However, now my question is in regards to automatically picking the date on a displayed Qualtrics calendar that is set by using the date picker formatted question (Where a physical calendar shows up and you can pick a date). The survey I am working with requires an interviewer to show the participant a calendar 3 times, which I would like to display electronically. I need the calendars to automatically be set on the date *30-days* in the past from the current date, *90-days* in the past from the current date, and *12-months* in the past from the current date. I will attach an image to hopefully make it more clear what I am asking for below:


Again, thank you so much. Happy this community exists!

Hello @ndyetz ,

The following answer is using jQuery Datepicker


See the attached answer
That worked great!

Thank you so much, @Shashi !

Very much appreciated.
This is such a cool feature and it works well except for one thing - it defaults to a 2018 calendar. I am not a programmer but I did look at the code. I did not see anything that indicated 2018. Can anyone provide a quick fix?

Thank you so much!
> @LisaKahn said:

> This is such a cool feature and it works well except for one thing - it defaults to a 2018 calendar. I am not a programmer but I did look at the code. I did not see anything that indicated 2018. Can anyone provide a quick fix?


> Thank you so much!

If you are using the above code as it is and want current date as today's date then remove the defaulDate line and ', ' from the dateFormat line

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