Automatic & Real Time Scoring & Graphs with Qualtrics? | XM Community
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I am looking to be able to do administer a questionnaire through Qualtrics and once the questionnaire is complete - have qualtrics automatically generate a score (based on pre-determined scoring equations) as well as generate a visual (_for example bar graph_) of the score in real time (immediately after administration of questionnaire).

Has any one done this through Qualtrics? It appears there is a way that Qualtrics can generate the score, however does anyone know how to potentially link a visual with the score?

Hi Rachel

you can do different scoring categories, however attaching like a visual result is something i haven't done before and i am not sure is possible

you can find more about scoring here
This can all be done with branching logic, scoring, and custom end of survey messages. Start with the link Ana Velez Voce provided to understand scoring. The branching logic is just if you want to display different images based on the score. The end of the survey message is how you would dispaly their score and image.

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