Back button - without activating it in options | XM Community
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Hello everyone, 


I am coming here for help. I created a survey on Qualtrics, in my options I’ve turned down the back button option but when I preview the survey I see a back button and I think i’ts because of the Javascript that I add to my questions. 

The aim with the JavaScript was to have the next button above the question on the right and not beneath as per usual. Here is the JavaScript :



Can someone please help me fix this ? 

Thanks in advance 


@Tata C

Try and use below code:
My recommendation would be to include it in header script tag. This will only show next button top right.

var previousButtons = document.querySelectorAll('#PreviousButton');
document.querySelectorAll('#Buttons')[1].style.display = 'none';
for (var i = 0; i < previousButtons.length; i++) {
previousButtons[i].style.display = 'none';


Hope it helps!

Hello @Deepak 

Thank you for your answer ! 

So you advise to copy and paste this JavaScript in Look and feel in this part below ? 


@Tata C 


That’s correct you need to include in Header > Source

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