Boolean logic query | XM Community
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Hi there, I hope i'm in the right place. I'm looking to use a question using 3 components to branch to a termination page. Using boolean logic I have

"If A is less than x

or B is less than x

or C is less than x"

Send to termination page.

I am finding that it will direct if A is less than x (great!). But if A is less and B or C is greater than x it will still direct to the termination page. I am looking for the direction page only if A, B and C all have scores less than x e.g. If X= 5

and if

A is 5, B is 0 and C is 0 then proceed with the study

A is 0, B is 5 and C is 0 then proceed with the study

A is 0, B is 5 and C is 5 then proceed with the study

I can't quite get my head around it, can anyone help out?
In your condition you have to change OR with AND.
You just need to change your or's into and's.

If A is less than x

AND B is less than x

AND C is less than x

Send to termination page

This will only terminate when all three are less than x. And if one is greater than X then it will allow your respondent to continue.
Thank you both!

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