Border color for multiple choice for single answer and multiple answers are not changing to black | XM Community
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Border color for multiple choice for sing answer and multiple answers are not changing to black on click. Below is the code used for "Minimal 3D - Green" template (attached is the image)

.Skin label.MultipleAnswer.q-checked, .Skin label.SingleAnswer.q-checked {

border-color: black;


.Skin label.MultipleAnswer:hover, .Skin label.SingleAnswer:active {

border-color: black !important;


however on hover it is working :

.Skin label.MultipleAnswer:hover, .Skin label.SingleAnswer:hover {

border-color: black !important;

Hi @SamK

I was able to get the following to work from your first example:

.Skin label.MultipleAnswer.q-checked, .Skin label.SingleAnswer.q-checked {

border-color: black;

border-width: 2px;


The border is only a single pixel, so maybe try bumping it up to 1.5px or 2px in width with the purple answer choice background color you're using. I couldn't see it at first without the eye dropper.
Hi @Rich_Boits_Walker , thanks for the response. I was actually looking for the functionality when the option is clicked, before click it works fine. On click for some reason it doesn't work.
Hi @SamK, sorry I missed your reply until now. Hmmm... I was able to get it working, but there could certainly be something going on that is different between our setups. If you're willing to post your .qsf file (or a similar example from a copy to protect your project) I can take a look.
Hey @SamK! It looks like you are targeting the correct elements, but need to add an additional property `border-style: solid;` to set the line styling. I would recommend checking out this page about border properties!

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