call js function defined in header and pass arguments to it | XM Community
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Hello, there is a task I struggle to implement.
There are 22 fields, each input has to be compared to the ‘correctAnswer”, defined in embeddedData, and depending on the match/no match(there are some string manipulations to be done with the input before comparing) another embeddedData ‘score’, has to be assigned value 1 or 0.
 I want this function to be defined in the header, so it can be edited in one place.
something like 

function checkAnswer(questionId, correctAnswer, score){


can the function defined in the header, take embeddedData as an argument? Can I use How do I call the function ? Can I Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('score1',score) in such function? (‘score1’ has to be passed as argument).
I am lost:(

Yes we need to define the function in the header under script tag and then we can call that function from any question JS.

Dear @Shashi I am stuck on how to implement it:( let say I have function which is alert userInput, and embbededValues, and also set one of the embeddedValues to100. Nothing happens:( This is how the function looks in the header:

function testFunc(userInput, answerString, score ){

and then in the survey, I am calling this function like this:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnPageSubmit(function() {

testFunc(userInput=$('.InputText').val, answerString='rightAnswer1', score='score1');

rightAnswer1 and score1 are set in survey flow as embeddedData.
I know I do something fundamentally wrong:(



function testFunc(userInput, answerString, score ){
var a=Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData(answerString);


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnPageSubmit(function() {
var input = jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText");
testFunc(input, 'rightAnswer1', 'score1');


@TomG thank you so, so much! All worked, he only adjustment was that I added .val() to 

var input = jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").val();

But now I feel like this line should be the part of the function, since it’s the same calls:

function testFunc(answerString, score ){
var a=Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData(answerString);
var userInput= jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").val();

But when I do that alert(userInput)  brings up ‘undefined’. What do I need to adjust inside that function?


That’s because the question object (this) is local to the addOnPageSubmit function. You can find the .InputText fields on the page from the function, but it/they wouldn’t be tied to a specific question. The more flexible approach is to pass something related to the field of interest (question object, question id, input element, or value) as a function argument.

@TomG thank you so, so much for your help, I got it all working.

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