Can I change the position of the descriptive part of a slider question? | XM Community
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In my survey I am using a slider question that will appear after a statement. At the moment the descriptive part of this slider question ('I experience this as') appears below the sliding scale bar. Is it possible to move this so that it is above the sliding scale bar? I like the position of the labels on the sliding scale bar, so if they can stay in the same place that would be great.

So visually, I would like my question to look like this:

Dbsfuidr ghsó hnjfimhdfghvgmjeivmahmbsfgvsirfjhfgdhrgoarjgpaergj. Dsddghfadkjghidf.

Gdfkjdnhfhsfostmbispbgi\\g\\. fjdgvndgvn

I experience this as:


1 2 4 5 6

Thanks in advance for the advice you can give!
Hi @mobb2,

This can be accomplished by keeping the descriptive part of the question blank and instead use that descriptive text in the question itself.

In the screenshot below, the entire text is in the question statement. The descriptive part of the slider is kept empty.


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