Hi there! I've been building an experiment on Qualtrics. Basically I am looking for participants to repeat a phrase a number of times and I'd like to count the number of times they retype that one phrase. I had originally done this through a text box, but that would leave me to count it manually after the experiment, which isn't ideal. So I have three possible solutions that make sense in my head, but I'm not sure if Qualtrics would allow me to use any of them.
- Counting the number of times a phrase is repeated. I don't like this option because I want participants to be able to make a few mistakes in their typing and have it still counted.
- Having the participants press "enter/return" and move to a new line in the text box with each repetition, and then counting the total number of lines used. This feels the simplest to me in terms of what I've already built, but I'm concerned may only be solved through JS, which I don't have experience with.
- Using a Form Field instead of a Text box, but displaying each new field while the page is still active whenever a form is filled out. I'm not familiar with form field and how to use that, but have been reading about it. I haven't found that option in the display logic, but maybe I'm missing something.
Okay, that's what I've got. I'd really appreciate any help with making the three options I have work well, or any other suggestions I may not be aware of.
Thanks so much!