Can I have a slider showing live results? | XM Community
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Dear XMcommunity,
First of all I am completely new to qualtrics but right now I am writing my master's thesis on a very promising subject. I do not want to get into too much detail but basically there are 8 tasks in which subjects will have to make a prediction on the likelihood of the home team winning a sports match. When they select a prediction they will earn rewards in the form of points based on their prediction as well as the outcome of the sports match. No matter if the home team wins or loses, they will earn points. However, if you predict the home team to win with a likelihood of 90% you will earn way more points than when you select only 10%. The points that would be rewarded are calculated by two formulas. One formula we use in the case the home team wins, the other if the home team loses.
For subjects to make a prediction they can adjust a slider. My question to the community would be if there is any way we can show in real time the amount of points they would earn if they would select the prediction. This would mean that the amount of points a subject can win will be displayed (maybe below the slider?) if they would select this prediction. One number for when the home team wins, one number for when the home team loses. For example (this is not the actual formula): If they firstly slide to 10% they will see that they would earn 10 points if the home team wins and 90 if the home team loses. Then when they slide it to 50% they will see they would receive 50 points either way and when they then try 90% they will see they would receive 90 points when the home team wins and 10 when they lose. Based on these point results they could then make a prediction and finalize it by going to the next page. Is this a possibility in qualtrics?
If this is possible I would really like to implement it as this would be incredibly valuable to my research. I hope I have informed you enough and if not I would love to explain in more detail what I mean.
In any case, thank you very much in advance!

Yes, it can be done using JavaScript with a Mutation Observer.

I have been looking through similar questions for the past hours and saw you answered a bunch of them so I really appreciate your response telling me it is possible. Unfortunately I am not familiar with Javascript at all and just starting with discovering the features Qualtrics offers me. The matches in question are about the first round of the NBA playoffs so I am on kind of a tight schedule. Is there any place I can start learning how to do this and kind of fast track the process by specifically aiming to implement this feature?
In any case, thank you for your answer!'ve sent you a message.

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