Can I present audio files without repeats while using the randomization/any other feature? | XM Community
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I don't have much experience in survey collection or coding, but I'm trying to conduct my senior thesis using Qualtrics. I have 60 audio recordings of 4 people reading the same 60 sentences. I want 11 sentences from each person to be presented in the survey, but I don't want repeat questions between individuals (i.e. out of the bank of 60, 11 unique sentences are chosen from each individual. These are not repeated by individuals in another group, though all 4 recorded all 60) I also wanted to include some filler statements, which could remain the same, and one example statement that's consistent across each scenario. I was hoping to randomly assign these (with control to ensure somewhat even distribution over the 4 individuals).

While this was easy to dream up, it's much harder to actually put into place. Does anyone have any idea how I would approach this? My original thoughts involving branching/blocks don't seem feasible anymore, and I'm worried I'll have to completely change some aspects of what I'm presenting.

Thanks in advance.
Sounds complicated, but I think you can do it!

What I would do is set up 60 blocks (one for each sentence) with 4 questions each (one for each different person recording it). Then, use question randomization to present only 1 of the options,evenly:




Then in your survey flow, use randomization to present 11 elements from your 60 blocks, evenly:

Actually, I want to present all 60 audio files but that's fine. This isn't exactly what I was going for but my original intentions do seem unreachable. My only issue with this method is that I have 3 questions to ask about each audio recording and I don't know how I could include that if I'm making each audio file a question within a block to be randomized? Would I have to make the audio files appear before the questions about them?
I suppose what I'm getting at is that I wanted to present around 50 (I've changed from 60) statements. I have 4 participants who have recorded all of the statements. I'd like for 11 statements from each participant to be played (plus fillers). However, I wanted to make it so that statements aren't repeated across conditions. Ideally, there are a pool of 44 (I'm excluding the filler statements) statements from each person, and 11 from each participant are presented. However, if PersonA reads StatementA, I don't want any of the other people to have their reading of StatementA presented further in the survey, despite it being in its question bank (since everyone recorded the same questions).

Complicated, I know, but I just don't know how to counterbalance anything or how to accomplish something close to this.

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