Can you edit/change the request response text? | XM Community
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Hey, can anyone help me to change the text of the 'request response' box within a survey? Or even just to a red colour so it grabs the attention more.

Thanks in advance 😀
Go to Look & Feel --> Style --> Custim CSS

Paste below line there and save

Thanks Subu, but that doesn't work
> @Subu said:

> Go to Look & Feel --> Style --> Custim CSS


> Paste below line there and save

> .ValidationError{color:red!important;}


Thanks Subu but that hasn't worked?
Have you included the period (.)?


There is a period (.) before ValidationError
> @Subu said:

> Have you included the period (.)?

> .ValidationError{color:red!important;}


> There is a period (.) before ValidationError!


Yes I have...

To change the text that displays for the Request Response message, title, or buttons, you can add the below to the question's JavaScript in the OnReady section:

jQuery("#NextButton").click(function() { 
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery("#ErrorMessage > span").html("message");
jQuery("#ErrorTitle").html("Request Response Title Text");
jQuery("#Page > div > div.PageErrorDialog > div.ErrorButtons > button:nth-child(1)").html("button1");
jQuery("#Page > div > div.PageErrorDialog > div.ErrorButtons > button:nth-child(2)").html("button2");
}, 5);

To change the background and font color for the Request Response message, title, or buttons, add the below CSS to the Style section of the Look & Feel:

.JFEScope .PageErrorDialog {
background-color: #ff0000 !important;
color: #ffffff !important;

.JFEScope .PageErrorDialog .ErrorContainer {
color: #ffffff !important;

.JFEScope .PageErrorDialog .ErrorTitle {
background: inherit !important;
background-color: #ADD8E6 !important;
color: #0000ff !important;

.JFEScope .PageErrorDialog .ErrorButtons button {
background: inherit !important;
background-color: #FFA500 !important;
color: #A020F0 !important;

.JFEScope .PageErrorDialog .ErrorButtons button:hover {
background: inherit !important;
background-color: #FFFFFF !important;
color: #ff0000 !important;


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