Can you format a text analytics query with AND/OR and NEAR operators? | XM Community
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So, I'm trying to format my text analytics query so the logic has several options to look for, but I would like them to be used with a NEAR operator. So far, everything which way I've tried has not given me accurate results. I can make the search more broad, but I'm trying to pin point what I need to see. Here's what I'm wanting the results to provide, and how I'm currently formatting the query. Any help and insight is much appreciated.

What I want: To see any results where someone said they were promised an adjustment/credit, and have not received it yet, and not when someone mentions their credit was pulled/checked.

How I'm thinking it should be formatted: ((was told OR promised) AND (credit OR adjustment))~6 AND NOT ((credit AND (check OR hit OR ran OR pull))~3

Is this type of logic possible and if so, how would I format this correctly? I can write it out in a longer format by making each one a separate statement with it's own NEAR operator ((was told credit)~6 OR (was told adjustment)~6 and so on..), but that would be a long case string. My goal is to make it shorter, but if I can't, at least I'll know.

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