Cannot get logo centered | XM Community
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I have a logo set to centered in the Look and Feel section, but the logo isn’t aligned with my header and appears off center (to the right) on my other pages, too. How can I fix this issue? Screen shots are below.



Hello @Christina0402,

If you've already centered your logo in 'Look & Feel' but still encountering thsi issue, it might be due to the size of your logo image or the screen resolution on which the survey is being viewed. You should try once after adjusting the logo image size to better fit the survey layout.

Let me know if this helps. 


2 options one could be that the image in itself has white spacing on left and you can crop it to get it centered.

Second is to do via the custom CSS if there isn’t whitespace include it in style

.Skin #Logo {
text-align: center !important;

Hope it helps!

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