Carry forward choices but display the other specify text (if any) | XM Community
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I have a question with a list of retailers and three Other Specify. The next question is using the same list (not just the selected choices) but I want to only show the other specify if a text was entered and I only want the text displayed instead of 'Other specify'.
For example:
Q1 choices are: A, B, C, Other specify, Other specify and Other specify
and I selected A and entered 'D' as an other specify
Q2 choices will be: A, B, C and D
I don't want to display the 2 other specify that are blank.
Is this possible?

Add all the three other specify option under "Excluded items" list and save.
Add three more options to the question and pipe the text entry of those three Other specify of previous question. Add display logic to these three new options as display if its respective other-text entry is not empty.


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