Carry Forward Help | XM Community
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I'm very new to Qualtrics. I'm designing a personality inventory and need help generating a "carry forward command".

In question one I ask the user to pick one of 3 choices.

In question two I ask the user to pick one of 3 choices (different choices than Q1)

in question three I ask the user to pick one of 3 choices (different than both Q1 and Q2)

I need Q4 to carry forward each chosen response from questions 1, 2 and 3 so they can pick one of those 3 answers they previously chose, so that then that answer can ultimately be used in the final scoring of their test.

I am not at all familiar with Java but I have done some reading and understand that it may take a particular Java code to help the test flow the way I need it to. I will be using this particular pattern of scoring throughout the inventory and I would be vert grateful if anyone had any guidance.

p.s. I would need very clear instructions on how and where to enter any code (I know at least how to open the Java window), but other than copying and pasting it in I'm a bit at a loss.

In Q4, you can pipe the selected choices from Q1-Q3 in as the choices. So the choices will look something like:




They won't necessarily be QID1, QID2, and QID3, so use the "Insert Piped Text" menu option on each choice in Q4 to make sure you get the correct piped string.
Thanks that seemed to work. I had to add a page break after question 3 before the piped question 4 before it would show up in the preview though
> @Sturgeon48 said:

> Thanks that seemed to work. I had to add a page break after question 3 before the piped question 4 before it would show up in the preview though

Yes, piped data gets replaced on the Qualtrics server. So you can't both set (in this case answer the questions) and pipe data on the same page.
I wonder if you can help with this issue as well....I started a different thread but realize it has similar implications here:

Essentially, I need for ranked choices on one question to carry forward into a composite of those three choices into another question and then require my respondent to pick the composite of the first three choices or the second three choices

For example:

Let's say on Q10 they ranked that they preferred these fruits in this order:

1. Apples

2. Oranges

3. Bananas

And on question Q11 they ranked that they preferred these fruits in this order :

1. Apples

2. Oranges

3. Grapefruits

Here's where I need help:

On Q13 I need to show them two options:

1.) An apple, orange, banana smoothie

2.) An apple, orange, grapefruit smoothie

Is there a way to pipe in a composite description of the choices on Q10, and a composite of the choices on Q11 into Q13?

This is necessary for me to determine whether the grouping of traits they choose creates the composite of a personality style, I'm just not sure if it's possible within the limits of the qualtrics system, or if I just don't understand how to create that.

If i need to clarify anything please let me know.
> @Sturgeon48 said:

> I'm just not sure if it's possible within the limits of the qualtrics system, or if I just don't understand how to create that.

It's possible, but you'll have to write a JavaScript or web service script to do it.
Thank you kindly Tom, it was very helpful. I really appreciate it.

> @TomG said:

> In Q4, you can pipe the selected choices from Q1-Q3 in as the choices. So the choices will look something like:

> ${q://QID1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}

> ${q://QID2/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}

> ${q://QID3/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}


> They won't necessarily be QID1, QID2, and QID3, so use the "Insert Piped Text" menu option on each choice in Q4 to make sure you get the correct piped string.

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