Carry Forward Selections from 3 Questions | XM Community
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This is my first time ever playing with JavaScript. I am trying to capture through embedded data selected responses from multiple questions to then carry forward to another question. Something like this: 

Q1: select all of your favorite fruits
Q2: select all of your favorite vegetables
Q3: select all of your favorite candy

Q4: response options are only and all of those previously selected in Q1-Q3] Now rank your favorite foods. 

I’m getting this error: SE API Error:  TypeError: this.hideChoice is not a function. I also don’t seem to be capturing the question selections correctly either. 

Script started
VM1453:9 Selected Q1:  t'']
VM1453:10 Selected Q2:  c'']
VM1453:13 All selected choices:  (2) i'', '']


You would probably be better off combining Q1-Q3 into one question with Choice Groups. Then you wouldn’t need JavaScript. You could just carry forward the selected choices.

The ‘this.hideChoice is not a function error’ means there is no such thing as a function named hideChoice associated with the ‘this’ object.

You would need to post your JS code to get help with the above error or the selections not being captured.

Thanks so much @TomG ! I think the Choice Groups formatting would not be ideal for the questions I’m asking unfortunately since many of the response options are sort of long. BUT I am very interested in this option for future studies and was not aware of it until now. 

Here’s the code ChatGPT suggested I use: 

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
    // Debug: Log that the script has started
    console.log("Script started");

    // Retrieve selected choices from Embedded Data and log them
    var selectedQ1 = "${e://Field/SelectedQ1}".split(",");
    var selectedQ2 = "${e://Field/SelectedQ2}".split(",");
    console.log("Selected Q1: ", selectedQ1);
    console.log("Selected Q2: ", selectedQ2);

    var allSelected = selectedQ1.concat(selectedQ2);
    console.log("All selected choices: ", allSelected);

    // Hide all choices initially
    var questionId = this.questionId;
    var choices = this.getChoices();
    choices.forEach((choiceId) => {

    // Attempt to show only the choices that were selected in Q1 and Q2
    allSelected.forEach((selectedChoice) => {
        var choiceNumber = this.getChoiceByText(selectedChoice);
        if (choiceNumber) {
            console.log("Showing choice: ", selectedChoice); // Log shown choices
        } else {
            console.log("Choice not found for text: ", selectedChoice); // Log if a choice is not found


ChatGPT isn’t a reliable source for working code. There are a lot of issues with that code, including at least three functions that don’t exist. There is no simple fix.

You could forego JS by using display logic on the choices.

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