Carry Forward - Split and display options by Statement and Scale Points | XM Community
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We're conducting a technology inventory survey to determine who has what technology, if it's in use, and who own it (employee or college). The first piece is to have people indicate how many of each item they have which I'm doing with a constant sum which would be the easiest to understand for my users:
Constant Sum tech.PNGNow, on the next screen, I want to dynamically have them respond to the number of each item they have selected. So, if they say they have 1 laptop, I want it to say Laptop 1. If they say they have 3 monitors, I want it to display Monitor 1, Monitor 2, Monitor 3.
Carry forward tech.PNGI don't know how to code this so I can pull statements dynamically based on the response options in the constant sum. I assume it's an array, but I don't know how to do that. Can someone please help?
Thanks in advance!

It would be a lot easier and could do it in app without any js if you set a maximum value like five for each item. You could have different maximums per item.

Thanks MSobotta. I do have maximum values set for each item. I started simple by just setting them all to 4. But I’m still not sure how to end up with, for example, Laptop 1, Laptop 2, and Laptop 3 in a carry forward for the second question if someone puts 3 in the laptop box.

The key is using display logic for each question based on the number from the first question. You load up the side by side with all of the items. Follow?

Thank you, MSobotta ! I didn't think about re-typing out the statements in the second question and then using display logic on each item to refer back to the previous question's responses in the constant sum. Thank you! That worked! we you don't want to rely on JS (because you don't want to spend time playing around with JS) you come up with some pretty creative solutions.
Me personally I might do something off of loop and merge to make it a little less intimidating to the user, but in most cases the big matrix would be fine.

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