Carry forward the VariableName of ranked choices to the scale point text of a matrix question | XM Community
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Hi everyone,
Qualtrics rookie here :)
Q2 is a rank question with rather lengthy choices like "BME3053C Computer Applications for BMEs | T 1:55-4:55p". I changed the VariableName of each choice to be the course code only. So "BME3053C Computer Applications for BMEs | T 1:55-4:55p" would have the VariableName "BME3053C".
In Q3, which is a Matrix question, I want to display the VariableName of the top 3 picks from Q2 as scale point text (so the short course code BME35053C). I carry forward the top 3 ranks from Q2 such that Item-Responses are less than 4 which does display the top 3 selected choices from Q2 but it shows the very long string rather than the short VariableName. I tried numerous javascript solutions from other threads but failed miserably. The main problems I ran into are: 1-I can't debug the javascript or look at variable values, and 2-adding things to the survey's embedded data variable doesn't seem to work. There is never a new embedded data element in my survey flow section.
Any code snippets would be very much appreciated!

mmansy - Not sure if this can be somehow acheived using coding. However, I can suggest an alternative approach that might do the job here:
Add a MCQ question between the rank and matrix questions and carry forward the top 3 ranks. Add following JS to autoclick next button as soon as this question is displayed:


Now add the actual scale headers(the variable naming values) to the matrix question and add display logic to the headers base on the MCQ question (for eg., if for MCQ, choice A is displayed, then display scale point AA)

The only disadvantage with this approach is that the MCQ question flashes for a flick of a second. Thanks for the suggestion! I tried it but the top 3 ranks still showed in the long-form in the MCQ question, I can't specify to carry forward the new variable names (short form) rather than the long ones when I do the carry forwards.

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