Center graphics on page | XM Community
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I have a survey with an exemplar graphic, that shows up for a few seconds then disappears, and then the multiple choices pop up and each multiple choice is a graphic. On several questions my exemplar graphic is too small and not aligned in the center of the screen during actual survey, sometimes top left and other times bottom left. On several other questions the multiple choices show up in the bottom part of the screen, as opposed to centered. How do I go about changing the size of the graphics in each question and making sure that they are centered?
I would say that most of the time, altering the HTML so the tag ```<center> </center>```is around your image should do the trick.

EG: ```<center> <img scr="></center>```

But your example is a little vague- and I'm not sure why it's jumping around. Maybe you can share a screen shot of what it is doing, or how you have it set up?

The HTML worked, thank you so much. One more question, can I use HTML to resize the graphic to be say 50% bigger? For example, I have graphics like this that I want to be slightly bigger. !
> @Shane78 said:

> Kate,

> The HTML worked, thank you so much. One more question, can I use HTML to resize the graphic to be say 50% bigger? For example, I have graphics like this that I want to be slightly bigger.


We can adjust the image size using height and width attribute of img tag

EG: `<center> <img scr="" height="42" width="42"></center>`

Adjust the size as required
Ah, did not even occur to me, thank you, Kate!

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