Change order of choices when carry forward choices are implemented | XM Community
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Hello ,

I have created a multiple choice question and carried forward choices from a previous answer. 

I have created two additional choices to be included in the multiple choice question. By default they appear above the carried forward choices. 

Is there a way to move the additional choices to they appear below the carried forward questions ? 

Thank you for your help!



Include advance randomization on the choices and set a fixed order to display the new choices below.

Hope it helps!

@ZoeRobo I can’t think of a way to change the order with Qualtrics’s carry forward choice.

If you make your own carry forward choice by list out all of your choices and set display logic for each one of them base on the previous answer then you can change the order to whatever you like.
Hope this helps

Hi Deepak 

That worked perfectly ! thank you! 




Include advance randomization on the choices and set a fixed order to display the new choices below.

Hope it helps!

That’s way more advance than mine, you learn new think every day.
@ZoeRobo Please mark that as answer for other guys if they need this in the future


It you use Advanced Randomization on the question with carryforward as @Deepak suggested, you lose the carryforward randomization order from the original question (i.e., the choices are re-randomized).

If you are interested, I have a JS function that moves the non-carryforward choices to the bottom of the list: carryForwardPlusNA

Thank you all for your time! Really appreciated! have a great day 



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