Change the name of a cloned button in Java Script | XM Community
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In my survey I require a fake "Save & continue later" button, which when clicked should lead survey takers to a specific block. I'm hoping I will be able to use embedded data to make this work.
I have been able to clone the "Next" button using Java Script. This is the script I've used:
image.pngThis clones the next button perfectly, but I'm now not able to change the name of the fake button. What am I missing in my code? Apologies if this is a simple question, I have searched the community topics and Google high and low and cannot get to the bottom of this. Also, self-taught Java Script novice here...
Here you can see how the buttons look, but I need one of the "Save and continue" buttons to say "Save & continue later"
image.pngThanks so much for advice!

Hi KatjaT ,
You can use below code to achieve the same
newnext.innerText="Save & continue later";
Hope it resolves your query😊!!

Where would I enter this?

Hi KatjaT ,
In below code , after declaration of ID for the same (after yellow highlighted line).

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