Change width sections in contstant sum question | XM Community
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In a contstant sum question there is a section for text (1) and a section for the sliders (2). Please see the screenpring below.


I would like to have the width for the textsection bigger and the section for the sliders smaller. How can I do this?

Thanks in advance.
Can you simply try dragging text area line towards right.
I tried this, but unfortunately this is not possible for this questiontype. So I need to do this in a different way.
I tried by first making it as matrix and than by dragging increased length and one length is setup change it to slider.
Tried this. And in the build-modus this works. However when you preview the survey the width is displayed as default. And also when you use the anonymous link the display is as my screenshot. So there must be a different way to fix this.

You can do it like this:


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

var lwidth = "225px"; //width of labels

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" th.ylabel").attr('width', lwidth);

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .WidthStrut").css("width", lwidth);



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