Changing Color in Graphic Slider | XM Community

Changing Color in Graphic Slider

  • 8 February 2022
  • 4 replies

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Hi all,
I have a question with a graphic slider question using horizontal bars
image.pngIs there a way to change the color from red to something else? Using JS i'm assuming?

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

I found some discussions that may be helpful to you:

Looks like while you cannot change the color of the graphic slider, you can use Javascript to display custom images (like sliders with blue bars) based on the slider selection.

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@Tom_1842 You are always a saver, so let me ask you this: 

Do you know if there’s a JS in order to modify the scale of the graphic slider? instead of it to be 0 to 10 to only be 1 to 10 or at least prevent 0 from being selected (so if someone selecting 0 I will show an error?)

Userlevel 7
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Hi @deveer2024 I gave it a try here!

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OMG @Tom_1842 - you rock as always. I’m going to give it a try later today and will update! It seems elegant solution what you suggested!

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