Classic layout: how do I reduce the size of the response option boxes? | XM Community
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I am hoping someone could help me.


Classic layout in Look and Feel and I want to reduce the size of the response option boxes on a multiple-choice question (single response). 




Hi @Client Insights 

You can apply custom CSS to change the size of the boxes

I am hoping someone could help me.


Classic layout in Look and Feel and I want to reduce the size of the response option boxes on a multiple-choice question (single response). 




Reduce the padding around the choice labels (currently 20px). For example:

.Skin label.MultipleAnswer, .Skin label.SingleAnswer { 10px; }


Thank you very much. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work on my end. I may just have to ask Qualtrics. Thank you for your help. 

Thank you very much. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work on my end. I may just have to ask Qualtrics. Thank you for your help. 

Did you add it to Custom CSS?

Hi you can do this in CSS.

Add the script below

.Skin .QuestionBody {

    padding: 0 400px 20px 20px !important;







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