Code for formatting Side by Side | XM Community
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I have created a side-by-side question and would like to format as follows:

Each column should display a different colour theme, and all rows alternate in colour. Something like the below: 

Is there any code out there that someone might be willing to share? Or some pointers on how I might achieve this look and feel? 

Thank you in advance! 



You can use this CSS (you’ll want to change the colors, I used names to make the example obvious):

.SBS .Choice .SBS1 {background-color:green;}
.SBS .Choice.ReadableAlt .SBS1 {background-color:lightgreen;}
.SBS .Choice .SBS2 {background-color:blue;}
.SBS .Choice.ReadableAlt .SBS2 {background-color:lightblue;}


Hi TomG 

Thank you for your reply and your time. 

That works really well! 

Much appreciated! 


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