Code to change the next button to a Submit button with Randomization within flow | XM Community
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I have a use case where I have 3 groups and a total of 4 blocks of questions that are shared with the groups...

Group 1 has the chance of seeing all 4 blocks of my survey, however they will only be displayed 2 and it is randomized and evenly presented.
Group 2 will only see one specific block.
Group 3 can see 3 of the blocks and also evenly presented at random.

This means that there is no 'last block' that everyone sees where I could have a submit button. I am curious if there is a way to show a submit button when there is no definitive last block (And I do not want to add a block at the end that everyone sees. I don't want more questions and I don't need to ask anything else)

Is there any way to identify that a block displayed is the final block? Anything that you can tap into with JS? I'm thinking that something has to tell Qualtrics that this is the last question of the survey or maybe the number block that is shown.

Any thoughts? Is this possible?


Technically there's no submit button in Qualtrics. There's just the next page button and based on the survey flow, the system decides what to do next.
You could a question to the last page of each block which changes the next button to submit button using CSS. Use embedded data to keep track of whether they are on the last block or not and display this question based on that embedded data.
Take a look here for some ideas:

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