Code to force respondents to view links before progressing to next question? | XM Community
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I am working on a survey for a client who wants to ensure respondents view the supplemental materials embedded in the survey as links to PDF documents before they continue to the next survey question. Does anyone know of a way to achieve this? She wants it to be like when you are on a website and are required to view a company's updated privacy policy / terms of use agreement before you're allowed to select that you 'agree' with the changes.
Hello @etower ,

You can have a single choice answer question with no question text and option wrap to anchor tag with style none and target blank attribute and with force response question
Hi Shashi,

I'm afraid I'm a little lost. If it's easy for you to explain a little bit more (for a code newbie), that'd be very helpful! If it's too much trouble, that's fine though.


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