Code Validation-Massive # of codes | XM Community
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I'm a qualtrics newbie (15 years of other software experience) and would appreciate any help I can receive on the following issue (happy to hire part-time consultants as well):

1. We are advertising our survey with unique codes (9 digits; #s/letters)

2. We have over 2 million unique codes

3. We would like to have participants enter code, and if already used or invalid participant can't move forward

4. If valid code entered they move forward

5. We were able to use javascript to make this functional with a small set of codes (20) but are worried this may be an issue when all 2 million are entered. Is API request the way to go here, or any other solutions?

Any suggestions?

There are a couple ways you can handle this (authenticator, individual links) but with your scale I'm not sure if it'd work. You may want to connect with support to see what types of limitations there are on these features.
Thanks for the suggestion JenCX!

I did contact support and they said it was outside their scope, as it requires custom coding. They introduced me to the community and suggested I reach out here.

We do in fact currently have the authenticator set up, but support was concerned it would get bogged down.
Ahh, so they don't think it'll work for 2M either. Haha, not surprised.

Be sure to mark both of my responses as 'No' to answering your question completely, then. That'll make your topic pop to the top of 'Unanswered Questions'. There's a lot of great devs on this community and I've got my fingers crossed that they can help you! 😀

You could store the codes in an external web database. If it is indexed by code, lookup should be fast. Then use an ajax call to check for a valid code.

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