Condition the timer question for a particular one question on the page that is Descriptive text Q | XM Community
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Hi Everyone,

On our 1st page of the survey, there is a single answer radio question following with Descriptive text question. A client wants a single answer radio question to be auto-advance. We enabled the option but didn't work because of a Descriptive text question. We tried keeping the timer question after descriptive text question but it is applying on the whole page. Even if the customer doesn't answer a single answer radio question, it takes to the second page after X seconds. We want a timer question to work only for a specific descriptive text question on a page. Is this possible?
On click of the radio button, we need to start a timer in JS and after some fixed seconds, click next button through JS


Since it is a descriptive question, you can also add those descriptive text after radio question through JS
Do you have a JS for this?

Since it is a descriptive question, you can also add those descriptive text after radio question through JS
> @gauravbhagat said:

> Do you have a JS for this?

> Since it is a descriptive question, you can also add those descriptive text after radio question through JS

var qhtml = "<div>Text goes here</div>";


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